About Gizigo

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We believe what we consume significantly impacts our life

Gizigo founders

Launched in 2018, Gizigo was founded by Mufid Salim, Fasty Arum Utami, and an old friend who helped setup this website for the first time.

Inspired by one of Fasty’s side-project when pursuing postgraduate degree, Gizigo utilized her expertise in Nutritional Science. Gizigo started only as an Instagram account and a modest website with few articles written by our expert advisors.

Under Mufid’s leadership, Gizigo established a wide range of nutrition-based services in the span of several years. Our clients ranging from personal customer with special medical needs to companies with product creation or food audit demands.

For specific information on how to reach our organization out, please check our Contact page.

Our contents

We strive to provide trusted and fact-checked information about nutrition and food.

All of our articles are written by nutritionists and registered dietitians with formal medical backgrounds.

Read about our editorial process and content creation here: Editorial Process of Gizigo

What do our contributors studied in Nutritional Science?

Our contributors are consist of registered dietitians and nutritionist. So our articles mainly focusing on their expertise and knowledge, such as:

  • Nutritional elements,
  • Health knowledge, illnesses, and the specific diets related to it,
  • Nutritional counseling,
  • Proper kitchen environment and cooking utensils,
  • Food preparation procedures,
  • Food cooking methods,
  • Food storing and other food safety procedures,
  • Food processing in the medical facilities,
  • Researches in food and nutritional field,
  • Food testing, analysis and evaluation,
  • Food product developments.

Our Expert Advisors

fasty arum utami expert advisor of gizigo

Fasty Arum Utami, S.Gz., M.S

Fasty is a nutritionist and food auditor for several organizations in our country.

She received her bachelor’s degree from Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada, and a master’s degree from School of Nutrition and Health Sciences at Taipei Medical University.

Awardee of 2015 Asian Congress of Nutrition at Yokohama, she also authored several published books about nutrition. Currently she is pursuing her doctoral degree at Taipei Medical University.

Fasty’s published researches:

Get in touch with Fasty:

ira dwijayanti expert advisor of gizigo

Ira Dwijayanti, S.Gz., M.S

Ira has been very active in academics since she was young. She participated in AIESEC student exchange program to Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China. She also attended several international conference such as:

  • International Conference on Food Factors (ICoFF), Seoul, South Korea.
  • International Conference on Traditional and Complementary Medicine for Health TCMH), Taipei, Taiwan.

After getting her bachelor’s degree at Universitas Brawijaya and master’s degree at Taipei Medical University, she worked as Quality Assurance and Planner Supervisor at a multinational corporation for a while.

Currently she choose to educate the younger generations by holding a lecturer position for Department of Nutrition at Universitas NU Surabaya.

Get in touch with Ira:

harry freitag luglio expert advisor of gizigo

Harry Freitag Luglio, M.Sc, RD

Harry is an accredited dietitian of Gadjah Mada Medical Center. As a postgraduate of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism from Maastricht University, Netherlands, he focuses his study on the many aspects of obesity and nutrigenomics.

His researches has been published in International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics, Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, and International Journal of Biomedical Sciences.

Not only actively writing in international journals, he also authored a book that examines the significance of Nutrition Science towards a person’s immunity status.

Harry’s published researches:

Get in touch with Harry:

tony arjuna expert advisor of gizigo

Tony Arjuna, S.Gz., M.Nut.Diet, Ph.D., AN., APD.

Tony focuses his researches on the geriartric aspects of Nutrition Science. He received a master’s degree from Flinders University and a doctoral degree for Clinical Nutrition from School of Medicine, University of Adelaide.

Tony’s researches has been published in a lot of international journals such as Nutrients, Geriatrics, Journal of Aging and Physical Acitivy, and Innovation in Aging.

Utilizing his experiences as Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Adelaide and The Royal Adelaide Hospital, Tony actively shares his though on many professional organizations such as Dietitian Association of Australia (DAA), Persatuah Ahli Gizi Indonesia (PERSAGI) and Asosiasi Dietisien Indonesia (AsDI)

Tony’s published researches:

Get in touch with Tony:

setyo utami wisnusanti expert advisor of gizigo

Setyo Utami Wisnusanti, S.Gz., M.PH

Santi received her master’s degree for Master of Public Health from Universitas Gadjah Mada, along with an International Training Program for Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Qualitative Studies from University of Antwerp.

Starting her career as a research assistant lecturer, she has been a lecturer of Nutrition and Health Department position at Universitas Gadjah Mada and a researcher at Center of Health and Human Nutrition for a while now.

She’s currently taking her doctoral degree for Nutritional Science and Food Management on Ewha Womans University

Santi’s published researches:

Get in touch with Santi:

Our Contributors

Silvia Bufa Amanda, S.Gz., RD

silvia bufa amanda contributor of gizigo

Prompt and detail-oriented in nature, Silvi has nutritional conseling experiences on both clinical and sports environment after getting her Nutrition Science degree from Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada.

After joining Gizigo, Silvi quickly completed her registered dietitien program and become a valued part of us.

Nowadays, Silvi handles many personal clients from Gizigo’s outpatient catering and nutritional consultation.

Get in touch with Silvi:

Saskia Fika Ilmiyani, S.Gz., RD

saskia fika ilmiyani contributor of gizigo

Easygoing and diligent, Saskia has been involved in many projects and organizations as facilitator, enumerator, and assistant.

Saskia is experienced in sport nutrition, but she is more keenly interested on clinical settings.

After completed her registered dietitian professional program, she’s currently working as a clinical dietitian for a hospital in our city.

On Gizigo’s day-to-day operations, Saskia specialized in food product analysis for many SMEs.

Get in touch with Saskia:

Shania Putri Ayuri, S.Gz., RD

shania putri ayuri contributor of gizigo

A writer at heart, Shania has been trusted to care for many of our articles. Apart from her education and training in the medical field from the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada, she has experience writing content for various other platforms.

She is well-versed in researching topics, compiling data, and writing SEO-driven contents.

Right now, she is working as a clinical dietitian at a hospital in our country.

Get in touch with Shania:

Erinda Nurrahma, S.Gz., RD

erinda nurrahma contributor of gizigo

As a Registered Dietitian, Erin has participated in nutritional research and volunteering programs.

She currently lends her helping hands in medical education activities as an assistant lecturer for her alma mater, the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Erin also spends her time as a freelance mentor at Science Hunter Indonesia.

Get in touch with Erin:

Refdiana Dewi, S.Gz.

refdiana dewi contributor of gizigo

Rere has been involved with Gizigo even before its foundation. Starting the work as an assistant to one of our expert advisor, she shows great aptitude in Nutrition Science.

One of the first contributors for Gizigo, Rere currently works as Obstetrician Resident Assistan in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital and Nutritional Assessment Course Assistant for Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Get in touch with Rere:

Kenny Putri Kinasih, S.Gz.

kenny putri kinasih contributor of gizigo

Kenny received her bachelor’s degree from Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada.

After getting some experiences on clinical environment, Kenny joined Gizigo on 2021 and helped with several different projects such as commercial kitchen assessment, food analysis, and nutritional education for kitchen workers.

Currently she’s working full-time at a nutrition-based startup company.

Get in touch with Kenny:

Rania Aisyah Herima, S.Gz.

rania aisyah herima contributor of gizigo

Dabbling in a lot of outgoing activities, Rania is a Bachelor of Nutrition Science from Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Having her fills on clinical and research environment, she chose to put more time pursuing her creative nature.

Currently she works as a Key Opinion Leader Specialist at a digital management agency.

Get in touch with Rania:

Yasmin Aulia Rahmah, S.Gz.

yasmin aulia rahmah contributor of gizigo

Yasmin has been a member of Gizigo team even before she received her bachelor’s degree from Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada.

She is mostly involved in food product formulation project, as it was the main topic for her thesis.

She is currently pursuing her registered dietitian certification program.

Get in touch with Yasmin:

Sheva Pangestika, S.Gz.

sheva pangestika contributor of gizigo

As a nutritionist with bachelor’s degree from Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sheva has been involved in the product creation processes and educational activities to food workers.

Sheva often looks for opportunities to improve herself. It shows in the fact that she holds many certifications for food safety, HACCP. manufacturing practices, as well as food industry research and development.

Get in touch with Sheva:

Danisa Tria Larasati, S.Gz.

danisa tria larasati contributor of gizigo

Apart from her experiences in clinical setting, Laras has been very involved in our product formulation project which uses local wisdom value. She also helps in the training process for food workers.

In addition, she also had her parts in Gizigo’s social media presence along with several other contributors.

After getting her bachelor’s degree from Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada, she is currently taking a master’s degree program at Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Get in touch with Laras:

Our Nutritional Services

Here are several services we usually provide for a client:

Catering for outpatients

We serve specialized diet for people with medical condition.

Nutritional counseling

We provide one-on-one consultation for people with nutritional problems. ​

Lab analysis for food products

We are connected with nationally-acredited laboratories for analyzing nutrition facts. ​

Food products formulation

We develop food recipes and original product formulations from the scratch.

In collaboration with

Several brands have given us the honor to work with them:

Our activities