Disclaimer for https://gizigo.id/en/
The articles published on Gizigo.id, except for the articles on Bulletin category, are:
- written by a nutritionist/registered dietitian who works with us, or
- the results of our editorial team’s writings that have been supervised by a nutritionist/registtered dietitian.
All the information that we provide on this blog is published in good faith and for general information purposes only.
We make every effort to conduct research and study literature from various credible sources before writing anything on this blog.
The articles contained in this site are presented for additional information only.
The articles on the Gizigo.id website are NOT intended to replace professional medical treatment or recommendations from a professional nutritionist. The articles contained on this site should NOT be used as a basis for diagnosis or treatment options.
All treatment that you take must be based on recommendations from a doctor, nutritionist or registered dietitian with direct examination.
All risks for the use of information on this website rest with the reader.
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