Printable Food Judging Score Sheet (FREE PDF)
To help with your cooking competition, Gizigo has prepared a printable food judging score sheet for you. Below is an example of our scoring sheet. In the next section, we will explain how to use the sheet.
Please remember that the scoring variables can be different depending on who creates them.
I’m a registered dietitian, so half of the criteria are geared toward food safety and nutrition. However, this scoring sheet uses simplified variables that are easy for common people to understand.
You can download the printable file (black-and-white version) by clicking the link below.
Or download the printable file (color version) by clicking the link below.
What is the Printable Food Judging Score Sheet?
The food judging score sheet is a reference for evaluating food according to desirable conditions. The criteria can include physical qualities, health and safety aspects, or other culinary values. The purpose of the competition and the type of cooking being assessed usually dictate which criteria are appropriate.
The scoring sheet in this article uses the organoleptic aspect as a representation to evaluate the physical attributes of food using our five senses. The tongue rates the taste, the eyes weigh the shapes and colors, the nose smells the aroma, and our touch and ears appraise the texture.1
Not only is good food tasty, but it also has to offer adequate nutritional value. After all, a meal is the primary source of nutrients our body needs to live. A healthy diet contains nutrients from various foods (vegetables, fruits, cereals, proteins, fats, and milk) in the recommended amount within the calorie limit. It’s best to limit the intake of sugar, salt, fats, and alcohol.2
Food safety is another essential factor, as good nutritional ingredients can suffer from food poisoning. Infectious or toxic in nature, this phenomenon is usually caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, or chemical substances. These harmful existences then enter your body through contaminated food.3
To ensure the safety of food, there are 4 main principles to apply every time you process food:
- Clean: Wash hands and surfaces often,
- Separate: Don’t cross-contaminate,
- Cook: Cook to proper temperatures,
- Chill: Refrigerate promptly.4
How to Use the Food Score Sheet?
We’ll use “sandwich for children breakfast menu” as the cooking theme. Here’s a step-by-step example for filling in the food judging scoring sheet that we’ve prepared for you:
- Write down the judging date, jury name, and contestant name/number.
- The judging sheet uses a 5-level scale system. Give 1 if the food is inedible, 2 if it doesn’t pass the minimal standard but still edible, 3 for slightly below standard, 4 if the food is good but not great, and 5 for a perfect score.
- The first standard to evaluate is food safety protocols during and after cooking. Check the cook’s hygiene (cleaning the hands before cooking, having short and clean nails, wearing clean clothes, an apron, and cap). Check the kitchen hygiene (equipment, ingredients, and cooking place). Finally, check the food’s temperature when served. If the contestant fulfills all criteria, give the maximal score (5). If some items are not satisfactory, reduce the score accordingly.
- Ask about the ingredients in the food. A kid’s breakfast should have enough nutrients to start the day. The more ingredients used, the higher you should give the score. Also, ensure the portion is suitable for a child, not too few but not too many.
- Observe the sandwich’s color and shape (would it catch the children’s eyes?). Smell the aroma (does it have a fresh and savory smell?). Touch and chew to determine the food’s texture. Fill in the score for organoleptic or physical quality criteria.
- You can consider the last criteria for some additional scores. Does the food have an interesting twist? Does the overall presentation fit the theme?
- Add up all the criteria to get the total score.
- Write down the comments you need to convey to the contestant. It might be an appreciative comment, a critique, or a constructive suggestion based on the evaluation.
- Mark your signature to ensure the authenticity of your assessment.
- Sort the contestants according to their scores. The highest one would be the winner.
What are the Benefits of Using a Food Judging Sheet?
Judging and jurying something is always subjective, especially about flavor. However, declaring one food as your competition’s winner without basis and refusing to elaborate is rude.
You can prepare a standard to guide in assessing the winner. Then, turn the standard into a set of criteria that are appropriate to the kind of competition you hold. This way, you’ll benefit from:
- Providing a clear guideline for comparing different foods,
- Making it easy to find the winner. You just need to tally the total scores and pick the highest one.
Who should Use a Food Judging Score Sheet? And When?
If you’re holding a cooking competition (maybe for your school or office), this food judging sheet takes some works from your plate. You don’t need to come up with the criteria on your own. Just print our scoring sheet and use it for your competition.
It’s simple, and anyone can use it with little to no training. By using organoleptic quality, nutritional value, and food safety criteria, even a layman can ensure that the chosen food is not only tasty but also nutritious and cooked safely.
- Kusuma, T. S., Kurniawati, A. D., Rahmi, Y., Rusdan, I. H., & Widyanto, R. M. (2017). Pengawasan Mutu Makanan. Malang: Universitas Brawijaya Press.
- USDA and USDHHS. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. 9th Edition. December 2020. Available at
- WHO. (2022). Food Safety. Available at: (Accessed: 23th July 2023)
- USDA. (2016). Keep Food Safe! Food Safety Basics. Available at: (Accessed: 23th July 2023)