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Potato vs Rice Nutrition Chart – Which One is Healthier?

Which one is healthier, potato vs rice? Here’s the short answer:

Potato vs Rice Nutrition Chart Summary
  • Overall, potatoes are better for nutrient. They have higher percentages of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Potatoes also contain less calorie, carbohydrates, and fats.
  • Potato contains higher amounts of fiber, vitamin B, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, iron, copper, and calcium than white rice. These nutritional substances help maintain cardiovascular health, digestion, and immunity system.
  • Potato contains vitamin A, beta carotene and vitamin C, which you can’t get from white rice.
  • White rice has the upper hand on several nutrients (fat, vitamin B5, and zinc). But potato doesn’t trail that far behind because it contains the same nutrients, only in a smaller amounts.
  • Potato has a higher glycemic index than white rice. For a diabetic, I recommend the brown rice that have a much lower GI value than potatoes.

Potato vs Rice Nutrition Chart – Full Comparisons

UPDATED: Some changes in numbers according to the latest data from USDA.

Nutritional values on this page are based on the data from U.S. Department of Agriculture’s FoodData Central. The values might varied when compared to other sources.

Below is the full comparison of the nutritional values between potato and white rice:1

Potato vs Rice Nutrition Chart Full Comparison

Just in case the image above doesn’t load, you can see the comparisons in the table below. I’ll discuss their in-depth differences according to the Reference Dietary Intake (RDI) in the last section.

(Russet, baked)
Calories95 kcal130 kcal
Carbohydrates21.4 grams28.7 grams
Fats0.13 grams0.19 grams
Protein2.63 grams2.36 grams
Dietary fiber2.3 grams
Vitamin A10 IU
Beta carotene6 micrograms
Vitamin B10.067 milligrams0.164 milligrams
Vitamin B20.04 milligrams0.01 milligrams
Vitamin B31.53 milligrams1.49 milligrams
Vitamin B50.38 milligrams0.397 milligrams
Vitamin B60.354 milligrams0.05 milligrams
Vitamin B957 micrograms
Vitamin C8.3 milligrams
Magnesium30 milligrams8 milligrams
Phosphate71 milligrams33 milligrams
Potassium550 milligrams26 milligrams
Iron1.07 milligrams1.46 milligrams
Copper0.107 milligrams0.07 milligrams
Calcium18 milligrams1 milligrams
Zinc0.35 milligrams0.4 milligrams
Glycemic Index8272
Table of nutritional comparisons between potato vs rice

From many indicators, potato is nutritionally healthier than rice.

Should we all ditch white rice and eat potatoes instead?

Well, it’s not that simple.

Rice, especially white rice, has been my staple food all my life. I suspect I might not be alone. Rice is the primary source of carbohydrates for 90% of Asia’s population and 60% of the world’s population.2

As an Asian, I have to admit that we’re too addicted to rice. Take my following story for an example.

In my home country (which is world-famous for its Bali Island), we have some strange notion about rice: Consuming a meal counts as “eating” ONLY if we eat it with rice.

Eating other sources of carbohydrates? We’d call it “snacking,” not eating.

It doesn’t stop there, as some Asian people take it even further: They claim their stomach won’t feel full as long as they haven’t eaten rice. It doesn’t matter if they’ve just had a whole truckload of other foods, they’d still feel hungry for rice. And it’s limited to white rice. Red, black, or brown rice is not considered as “proper” rice.

After studying to become a dietitian, I learned about various sources of carbohydrates. Potato is one of them — a staple choice for carbohydrates in western cuisine. Yet, my people’s rice-addicted mindset makes the habit of eating potatoes never take hold.

Apart from the cultural aspect of eating rice, most agricultural settings in Asia revolve around planting rice as their primary produce. Rice has been around human civilizations for too long – some estimates since 8000 BC.

It’s unthinkable to quickly convert all those rice-filled field for planting other crops. It’d take some enormous orchestrated efforts from governments if they want their people to shift from white rice to potato.

Yes, potato is healthier than rice, but it’s unlikely that people will cease their rice-eating habit anytime soon.

Speaking in my capacity as a Registered Dietitian, no need to force yourself if you don’t want to stop eating rice. Both white rice and potato are good sources of carbohydrates.

Potato comes with higher amounts of fibers and lower calories than white rice, which would prove beneficial if you were doing a weight-loss diet. It also contain more dietary fiber, which could help controlling your appetite.3

Whether you choose potatoes or white rice is entirely up to you and your preference. Keep your meals simple (lean goat or chicken meat might work too), as you still need to consider your other nutrients.

Potato vs Rice in Details

The Reference Dietary Intake percentages are calculated based on the Dietary Guideline for Americans 4 provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Calories Comparison

White rice contains 36.8% more calories.

Potato vs Rice Nutrition Chart Calories Comparison

In terms of calories, white rice offers more calories than potatoes for the same amount of weight. Per 100 grams, potato only contains 95 kcal (3.96% of Reference Dietary Intake) while white rice has more calorie of 130 kcal (5.42% of RDI).1

These weight-to-calorie comparisons matter a lot for some people. We use calories to measure the energy our bodies need to do activities.

The individual energy requirement will be different depending on our gender, age, weight, height, activity factor, and stress factor. For example, many people in my home country work as blue-collar workers. White rice is much preferable for them, as it provides them with more energy for their manual labor.

The calorie intake ideally has to match our body’s needs. Excessive calorie intake will turn into fats and increase the risk of obesity and other non-communicable diseases.5

Carbohydrates Comparison

White rice contains 34.1% more carbohydrates.

Potato vs Rice Nutrition Chart Carbohydrates Comparison

Potatoes have a lower amount of carbohydrates than white rice. For every 100 grams, potato only contains 21,4 grams of carbohydrates (5.94% of RDI), while white rice contains 28,7 grams of carbohydrates (7.97% of RDI).1

Carbohydrate is the primary energy source of the human body. Our organs, especially our brain, are very dependent on carbohydrate availability.[3] So it’s not surprising that the recommended carbohydrate intake is around 45-65% of our total daily calories.6

What happens if we consume carbohydrates below the recommended amount?

Our body will break the protein within our muscles down. Our liver will break the stored fat into ketones for energy. This protein breakdown is called ketosis and usually occurs within 3-4 days after limiting the carbs intake. It’s followed by a subsequent effect called keto flu with symptoms such as nausea, lack of energy, and headache.7

Fats Comparison

White rice contains 31.5% more fats.

Potato vs Rice Nutrition Chart Fats Comparison

Per 100 grams, potato has 0.13 grams of fats (0.19% of RDI) while white rice contains 0.19 grams of fats (0.28% of RDI).1

Fats inside adipose tissue store the energy for our bodies. It also functions as padding or protection for our organs, regulates our body temperature, forms cell membranes, and makes valuable substances such as hormones, bile fluid, and vitamin D.

Excessive fats bring about obesity, which increases the risk of non-communicable diseases.3

On the other hand, insufficient fats intake results in skin rashes, hair loss, decreased immunity, and the deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins.

Protein Comparison

Potato contains 28.6% more protein.

Potato vs Rice Nutrition Chart Protein Comparison

In term of protein, potato has a slight advantage compared to white rice. Per 100 grams, potato contains 2.63 grams of protein (2.92% of RDI), while white rice has 2.36 grams of protein (7.97% of RDI).1

Protein is the building block of our muscles. It also produces metabolism enzymes, transports other nutrients, helps manufacture our hormones, and maintains the electrolyte balance inside our body.

Protein deficiency can cause stunt growth in children, slow brain development, decrease kidney function, and impair immunity system. 3

Dietary Fiber Comparison

Potato contains fibers. Assumed zero amount of fibers in white rice.

Potato vs Rice Nutrition Chart Dietary Fibers Comparison

Potato simply contains a lot more dietary fiber than white rice. For every 100 grams, potato has 2.3 grams of dietary fiber (6.76% of RDI), while white rice contains almost zero amount of fibers.1

In general, dietary fiber helps digestion, increases our insulin sensitivity, slows nutrient absorption in the stomach, prevents inflammation and cardiovascular diseases, and promotes the growth of good bacterial flora in our digestion system.8

Vitamins Comparison

Potato contains vitamin A. Assumed zero amount of vitamin A in white rice.

Potato contains beta carotene. Assumed zero amount of beta carotene in white rice.

Potato contains 144.8% more vitamin B1.

Potato contains 400% more vitamin B2.

Potato contains 300% more vitamin B3.

Potato contains 608% more vitamin B6.

Potato contains vitamin B9. Assumed zero amount of folic acid in white rice.

Potato contains vitamin C. Assumed zero amount of vitamin C in white rice.

White rice contains 4.5% more vitamin B5.

Potato vs Rice Nutrition Chart Vitamins Comparison

Once again, potato is nutritionally better than white rice, except for its slightly smaller amount of vitamin B5.

Below is the table for vitamin comparisons between potato and white rice.1

Vitamin A10 IU (0.37%)Assumed zero
Beta Carotene6 microgramsAssumed zero
Vitamin B10.067 milligrams (5.58%)0.0164 milligrams (13.67%)
Vitamin B20.04 milligrams (3.08%)0.01 milligrams (0.77%)
Vitamin B31.53 milligrams (9.56%)1.49 milligrams (9.31%)
Vitamin B50.38 milligrams (7.6%)0.397 milligrams (7.94%)
Vitamin B60.354 milligrams (27.23%)0.05 milligrams (3.85%)
Vitamin B9Assumed zero57 micrograms (14.25%)
Vitamin C8.3 milligrams (9.22%)Assumed zero
Table of vitamin comparisons between potato vs rice.
*Potato, Russet, baked
**White rice, cooked

Being fat-soluble, vitamin A in potatoes helps in gene expression, eyesight, cell division, immunity system, and body growth and development. A deficiency in vitamin A causes night blindness (nyctalopia).

Vitamin B helps as a coenzyme in energy production. Lack of vitamin B causes beriberi disease with symptoms such as numbness at the palm of hands and feet, decreased muscular strength, paralysis, and irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). Vitamin B12 deficiency also causes immature red blood cells, which leads to macrocytic anemia.5

Minerals Comparison

Potato contains 275% more magnesium.

Potato contains 115.1% more phosphate.

Potato contains 2015.4% more potassium.

Potato contains 52,9% more copper.

Potato contains 1700% more calcium.

White rice contains 36.4% more iron.

White rice contains 14.3% more zinc.

Potato vs Rice Nutrition Chart Minerals Comparison

Potatoes are the clear winner. It contains more minerals by a long shot when compared to white rice.

Below is the table for mineral comparison between potato and white rice.1

Magnesium30 milligrams (7.50%)8 milligrams (2.00%)
Phosphate71 milligrams (10.14%)33 milligrams (4.71%)
Potassium550 milligrams (16.18%)26 milligrams (0.76%)
Iron1.07 milligrams (13.38%)1.46 milligrams (18.25%)
Copper0.107 milligrams (11.89%)0.07 milligrams (7.78%)
Calcium18 milligrams (1.80%)1 milligrams (0.10%)
Zinc0.35 milligrams (3.18%)0.4 milligrams (3.64%)
Table of mineral comparisons between potato vs rice.
*Potato, Russet, baked
**White rice, cooked

Magnesium supports various enzymes and cell functions, helps muscle relaxation, and strengthens the immunity systems. A deficiency in magnesium causes vomiting, diarrhea, and malnutrition.

Phosphate helps in bone and teeth formation, in DNA and RNA production, and in regulating blood pH. Phosphate deficiency is rarely found as it’s readily available in most foods.

Potassium balances our body’s electrolyte, liquid, and cell integrity. It also functions as a neurotransmitter and helps in muscle contraction. The symptoms of potassium deficiency are kidney stones, increased blood pressure, and turnover in our bones’ potassium deposit. Medicines with a diuretic, steroid, or laxative substance increase the risk of potassium deficiency.5

Glycemic Index Comparison

Interestingly, the glycemic index for potatoes changes depending on their processing. On the other hand, white rice has a constant glycemic index value of 72.

Potato vs Rice Nutrition Chart Glycemic Index Comparison

GI levels in each ingredients are different. Even the same ingredient can have several different GI value depending on these factors:

  • The processing. Rice that has been milled and removed from its epidermis has a higher GI value than rice that is only processed as minimally as possible.
  • The physical form. Finely ground grains are easier to digest than coarsely ground grains. Easier-to-digest foods have higher GI values and more easily increase blood glucose levels.
  • The dietary fiber. High-fiber foods tend to be more difficult to digest and do not easily raise blood glucose levels, so the GI value is lower.
  • The ripeness level. Ripe fruits and vegetables tend to have a higher GI. 
  • The fats and acidic content. Food ingredients with a high fat and acidic content will take longer to convert into glucose, so it is not easy to increase glucose in the blood.9

Below is the table for different kinds of potato’s glycemic index according to their cooking process.5

Roasted potatoes111 (high)
Instant mashed potatoes87 (high)
Boiled potatoes82 (high)
French fries73 (high)
White rice72 (high)
Table of glycemic index comparisons between potato vs rice. Source:

All of them have high values of glycemic index. What does it mean?

The glycemic index serves as an indicator of how quickly a particular food increases our blood glucose level. Foods with higher glycemic index release blood glucose more rapidly. But it doesn’t mean that potato is a “bad” food just because it has a high glycemic index value.

For example, when a Type 1 Diabetic person gets too low on the blood glucose level, quickly consuming a high glycemic food might help them stay alive and avoid severe injuries. As with most foods, you can consume food with a high glycemic index in a healthy and balanced diet.


  1. FoodData Central. USDA. Accessed January 14, 2023. https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/index.html 
  2. Chaudhari, P. R., Tamrakar, N., Singh, L., Tandon, A., & Sharma, D. (2018). Rice nutritional and medicinal properties: A review article. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7(2), 150-156.
  3. Kanter, Mitch (2018). “High-Quality Carbohydrates and Physical Performance.” Nutrition Today 53.1 (2018):36.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5794245/  
  4. U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025.  9th Edition. December 2020.
  5. DeBruyne, L. K., Pinna, K., & Whitney, E. N. (2015). Nutrition and diet therapy. Boston: Cengage Learning.
  6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2015 – 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 8th Edition. December 2015. Accessed January 16, 2023. https://health.gov/our-work/food-nutrition/previous-dietary-guidelines/2015 
  7. Blackburn, Kellie Bramlet. “What you need to know about the ketogenic diet”. MD Anderson Cancer Center. Accessed January 16, 2023. https://www.mdanderson.org/publications/focused-on-health/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-ketogenic-diet.h20-1592202.html 
  8. Barber, T. M., Kabisch, S., Pfeiffer, A. F., & Weickert, M. O. (2020). The health benefits of dietary fibre. Nutrients, 12(10), 3209.
  9. Carbohydrates and Blood Sugar. (2013, August 5). In Harvard School of Public Health. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates/carbohydrates-and-blood-sugar/ 
  10. Foster-Powell, K. “International tables of glycemic index and glycemic load values.” Diabetes Care 31 (2008): 2281-2283. https://doi.org/10.2337/dc08-1239 

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