Featured image for potato vs rice nutritional comparison charts

Potato vs Rice Nutrition Chart – Which One is Healthier?

Which one is healthier, potato vs rice? Here’s the short answer: TABLE OF CONTENTS Potato vs Rice Nutrition Chart – Full Comparisons UPDATED: Some changes in numbers according to the latest data from USDA. Nutritional values on this page are based on the data from U.S. Department of Agriculture’s FoodData Central. The values might varied…

When Celebrity Moms Share Their Baby’s Weaning Experiences

When Celebrity Moms Share Their Baby’s Weaning Experiences

During the first six months, a mother can fully meet the nutritional needs of her babies by giving breast milk.Yet, breast milk is no longer sufficient for all their needs after that. Complementary food or weaning food is needed for babies older than six months old. As the name implies, complementary food is given as…

Nutrition and Agribusiness: Kombucha to Processed Agricultural Products

Nutrition and Agribusiness: Kombucha to Processed Agricultural Products

This news has been published by FISIPOL UGM. We admit that information needs are easy to find, but it’s not wrong to say that the supply is not always reliable.These needs sometimes become vital because they relate to what we do or will do, such as our daily meals or clinical diet Mufid salim, Founder…

Nichoa Chocolate & Farmer Empowerment

Nichoa Chocolate & Farmer Empowerment

Our guest contributor, Rintri Pardede, wrote this article. There are many ways to contribute to our homeland. Andri Setyowati chose to contribute by establishing a social enterprise. Andri and her team focus on farmer empowerment, especially cocoa farmers. The product was named Nichoa Chocolate. The term Nichoa comes from 2 words: nibs and chocolate. Nibs itself…